Book a Bolt taxi and get up to 50% discount paying with your Visa premium card!
Enjoy comfortable trips in Bolt with special offers from Visa.
50% discount on trips to/from airport:
- order a taxi to/from Tbilisi, Batumi or Kutaisi airport;
- pay for the trip with a Visa Platinum, Visa Signature or Visa Infinite premium card issued in Georgia;
- get a 50% discount for the cost of the trip;
The maximum discount amount is:
- 30 GEL for Tbilisi, for the one trip;
- 20 GEL for Batumi, for one trip;
- 20 GEL for Kutaisi, or the one trip.
Until March 31, 2025
Discounts is not applicable for Apple Pay payments. Only when user adds Visa Platinum, Visa Signature or Visa Infinite premium card issued in Georgia to the “payment option”.
The special offer applies to Visa premium cards issued in Georgia.
The travel discount applies to any taxi class.
This offer is not cumulative with others and applies only separately.
A discount can be received by any user who has fulfilled the conditions of the special offer, regardless of the amount of the cost of the trip.
Offer period: until March 31, 2025
*conditions and period of validity of the offer may be changed by the organizer.
Make your trip more comfortable with special offers for Visa cardholders!

Fast Track at the airports of Europe and Turkey with Visa Premium cards
Make you journeys comfortable with the new function in VisaConcierge chatbot.